How (& Why) Are There so Many Stray Dogs in Skopje?

If you’ve ever visited Skopje, Macedonia, you may have noticed the large population of stray dogs roaming the streets.

It’s a common sight in the city, and many people wonder why there are so many stray dogs in Skopje.

The answer is not simple, but several factors have contributed to the growth of the stray dog population.

The stray dog population in Skopje has grown over the years, and its impacts on the city are significant.

Stray dogs can be a danger to public health, as they can carry diseases and bite people.

They can also cause damage to property and pose a threat to other animals.

Efforts have been made to control the stray dog population, but the problem persists.

TLDR/Key Takeaways:

  • The lack of spaying and neutering programs has contributed to the growth of the stray dog population in Skopje.
  • Stray dogs can pose a danger to public health and cause damage to property.
  • Efforts have been made to control the stray dog population, but the problem persists.

stray dogs problem in skopje

Why Are There Many Stray Dogs in Skopje, Macedonia?

Here are several reasons why this is the case, including historical background and urban development.

Historical Background

In the past, dogs were often kept as guard animals and used for hunting.

However, with the decline of these practices, many dogs were abandoned and left to fend for themselves.

This led to an increase in the number of stray dogs in Skopje and other parts of Macedonia.

Urban Development and Stray Dogs

As Skopje has developed into a more urbanized city, many people have moved from rural areas to the city.

This has led to an increase in the number of dogs in the city, as people often bring their pets with them.

However, as the city has grown, so has the number of stray dogs. This is due in part to the lack of proper animal control measures in place.

Furthermore, many people in Skopje do not spay or neuter their pets, which can lead to an increase in the number of stray dogs.

Sadly, some abandon their pets when they can no longer care for them, which also contributes to the problem.

How Has the Stray Dog Population Grown?

why are there so many stray dogs in skopje
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The stray dog population in Skopje, Macedonia has been on the rise for several years.

There are a few main reasons for this growth, including a lack of spaying and neutering, abandonment, and neglect.

Lack of Spaying and Neutering

One of the main reasons for the increase in stray dogs is the lack of spaying and neutering.

Many pet owners in Skopje do not spay or neuter their dogs, which leads to unplanned litters.

These litters often end up on the streets, contributing to the stray dog population.

Additionally, there are not enough resources available for low-cost or free spaying and neutering programs, making it difficult for pet owners to have their dogs fixed.

Abandonment and Neglect

Another reason for the rise in stray dogs is abandonment and neglect.

Some pet owners in Skopje abandon their dogs when they can no longer care for them, or when they become too much of a burden.

These dogs are left to fend for themselves on the streets, contributing to the stray dog population.

Additionally, some pet owners neglect their dogs, failing to provide them with adequate food, water, and shelter.

These dogs may also end up on the streets, either because they run away or because they are abandoned by their owners.

The Impact of Stray Dogs on Skopje

stray dogs attack people skopje
Over 600 people a year are attacked by stray dogs in Skopje, costing the government over €400,00. Source.

Public Health Concerns

One of the most significant impacts of stray dogs in Skopje is the potential public health concerns they pose.

Stray dogs can be carriers of diseases such as rabies, which can be transmitted to humans through bites or scratches.

In addition, stray dogs can spread other diseases through their feces, which can contaminate soil and water sources.

To mitigate these health risks, it is important to control the stray dog population through programs such as spaying and neutering.

Environmental Impact

Stray dogs can also have a significant impact on the environment in Skopje.

They can damage natural habitats and disrupt ecosystems by preying on native wildlife.

Sray dogs can contribute to pollution by leaving waste in public areas.

To address these environmental impacts, it is important to implement effective waste management programs and to promote responsible pet ownership.

This can include encouraging pet owners to clean up after their pets and providing designated areas for dogs to relieve themselves.

The Efforts to Control Stray Dog Population

Happy Shelter Skopje
Happy Shelter Skopje Instagram page.

There have been several efforts to control the stray dog population in Skopje, Macedonia.

These efforts have been initiated by both the government and non-governmental organizations.

Government Initiatives

The government of Skopje has implemented several initiatives to control the stray dog population.

One of the most significant initiatives is the construction of a new animal shelter.

The shelter is designed to accommodate up to 500 dogs and provide them with food, water, and medical care.

The government has also implemented a program to sterilize stray dogs.

This program involves capturing stray dogs, sterilizing them, and then releasing them back into their original location.

Non-Governmental Organization Efforts

Several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Skopje have also taken steps to control the stray dog population and have implemented several programs to reduce the number of stray dogs in Skopje.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you safe from stray dogs in Skopje?

While stray dogs are a common sight in Skopje, the vast majority of them are not aggressive towards humans. However, it is still important to exercise caution when encountering stray dogs. Avoid approaching them, especially if they are in a pack, and even more so if you’re with your own pet. If a stray dog does approach you, try to remain calm and still and slowly back away. Do not attempt to pet them.

Should you feed stray dogs in Skopje?

Feeding stray dogs might seem like a kind gesture, but it can actually contribute to the overpopulation of stray dogs in Skopje. Instead of feeding them directly, consider donating to local animal shelters or organizations that work to spay and neuter stray dogs. This will help to control the population and improve the overall health and well-being of stray dogs in the city.

Can you adopt a stray dog from the streets of Skopje?

While it may be tempting to take a stray dog home with you, it is important to remember that many of these dogs may have health issues or behavioral problems. Additionally, it is often difficult to determine the breed or age of a stray dog, which can make it more difficult to provide proper care. Instead of adopting a stray dog directly from the streets, consider adopting from a local animal shelter or rescue organization.

What to do if you get bitten by a stray dog?

If you are bitten by a stray dog in Skopje, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Even if the bite does not appear to be serious, it is still important to receive medical treatment to prevent infection. Additionally, report the incident to local authorities so that they can take appropriate action to prevent future incidents.

This guide was first published on January 10, 2024 and was last updated on February 2, 2024. For more information, please contact us at