Why So Many Statues in Skopje? (Understanding Skopje’s Statue Obsession)

Planning a trip to Skopje? Well, get ready to be greeted by an unusual sight: statues, statues, and more statues!

You might be wondering why there are so many statues in Skopje. Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

This question has puzzled many visitors to the city.

In this article, we will explore the story behind the abundance of statues in Skopje, the capital city of (North) Macedonia.

From the controversial ‘Skopje 2014’ project to the city’s rich history and cultural heritage, we will delve into the various factors that have contributed to the proliferation of these monuments throughout the city.

TLDR: What you need to know:

• Skopje’s abundance of statues is a result of the Skopje 2014 Project.

• The project aimed to give the city a more classical appeal and attract more tourists.

• The statues have become a prominent feature of the city, but the project was criticized for its extravagance.

how many statues in skopje

The Tale of Statues Galore

You arrive in Skopje and are immediately struck by the sheer number of statues.

They seem to be everywhere you look, from the grandiose to the bizarre. But why?

Let’s take a closer look…

Firstly, it’s important to understand the history of Skopje.

The city has been through a lot over the years, from earthquakes to wars.

In 1963, a devastating earthquake destroyed much of the city, leaving it in ruins.

The rebuilding process began soon after, but progress was slow.

It wasn’t until the early 2000s that the government decided to take action and transform Skopje into a modern European capital.

Enter the statues…

The government’s plan was to use the statues to create a sense of identity and pride in the city.

They wanted to celebrate Macedonia’s rich history and culture through public art. And so, the statues began to appear.

But it wasn’t just about celebrating the past.

The government also wanted to attract tourists to Skopje.

They believed that the statues would be a drawcard, and they were right.

People come from all over the world to see the statues, even if they are a little bewildered by them.

So, what are some of the most notable statues in Skopje?

Well, there’s the Warrior on a Horse in Skopje’s main square, which is a giant statue of Alexander the Great that caused some controversy in Greece.

There’s also the Mother Teresa Memorial House, a tribute to the famous Albanian nun who was born in Skopje.

And then there are the more unusual statues, like the one of a man playing a saxophone on a bench or the one of a giant egg.

Fun fact: There are 284 statues in Skopje.

Skopje 2014 Project

Why So Many Statues in Skopje

If you’re wondering why there are so many statues in Skopje, you need to know about the Skopje 2014 Project.

This project was initiated by the then-ruling nationalist party VMRO-DPMNE with the official purpose of giving the capital Skopje a more classical appeal.

However, what started as a noble idea soon turned into a political plot twist.

The Political Plot Twist

The VMRO-DPMNE government used the Skopje 2014 Project to promote its nationalist agenda.

They commissioned statues of historical figures, including Alexander the Great, and built new government buildings and bridges.

The project was criticized for being a waste of public funds and for promoting a one-sided view of history.

The Big Bucks Behind the Bronze

The Skopje 2014 Project was not cheap.

The government spent an estimated €500 million on the project, which was a significant amount of money for a country with a struggling economy.

The project was also controversial because the government awarded contracts to companies with close ties to the ruling party, leading to accusations of corruption.

In conclusion, the Skopje 2014 Project was a controversial initiative that aimed to give Skopje a more classical appeal.

However, it was criticized for promoting a one-sided view of history and for being a waste of public funds.

The project was also controversial because of the close ties between the government and the companies that were awarded contracts.

The Statues’ Social Impact

The Love-Hate Relationship

The statues in Skopje have certainly made an impact on the city’s social scene.

Some people love them, some people hate them, and some people just can’t decide.

Those who love the statues appreciate the city’s effort to beautify and modernize the city.

They see the statues as a symbol of the city’s progress and a nod to its history.

On the other hand, those who hate the statues think they are tacky and a waste of money.

They believe that the city should have invested in more practical things like infrastructure and public services.

Statues as Selfie Spots

Regardless of whether you love or hate the statues, they have become a popular spot for tourists to take selfies.

The statues are scattered throughout the city, and each one has its own unique charm and character.

Tourists can often be seen posing with the statues, trying to capture the perfect shot for their Instagram feed.

Statue Spotting: A Tourist’s Guide

With so many statues, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones to see.

Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

Here’s a guide to the most notable statues in Skopje:

Warrior on a Horse

This statue is hard to miss.

At eight stories tall, it’s the largest statue in Skopje and is supposedly based on Alexander the Great.

However, as said previously, it has caused a lot of controversy with Greece, who claim Alexander the Great is part of their history, not Macedonia’s.

But hey, at least it makes for a great photo op!

Mother Teresa

Did you know that Mother Teresa was born in Skopje?

It’s no wonder that there’s a statue of her in the city.

Located in the center of town, this statue shows Mother Teresa holding a child in her arms.

It’s a touching tribute to one of the city’s most famous residents.

The Warrior Twins

If you’re looking for a bit of mythology, check out the statues of the Warrior Twins.

These two statues, located on each side of the Stone Bridge, represent the legendary founders of Skopje.

They’re a great spot for a photo and a bit of history.

Goce Delcev

Goce Delcev is a national hero in Macedonia.

He was a revolutionary leader who fought for the country’s independence from the Ottoman Empire.

His statue is located in the city center and is a popular spot for locals to gather.

Philip II of Macedon

If you’re a history buff, you’ll want to check out the statue of Philip II of Macedon.

He was the father of Alexander the Great and a powerful ruler in his own right.

The statue is located in the city center and is a great place to learn a bit about ancient Macedonian history.

You now know all about the controversial project that aimed to attract more tourists and increase patriotism in Macedonia’s capital city.

You’ve learned that Skopje is filled with an overwhelming number of statues and that some people believe they overshadow the city’s authentic attractions.

But despite the criticism, the project has succeeded in drawing more visitors to the area.

So, what can you take away from all of this?

Here are a few key points to remember:

  • Skopje’s statues are certainly a unique sight to behold, whether you love them or hate them.
  • The city has a rich history and culture that is worth exploring beyond the statues.
  • The project has sparked debate and controversy, but it has also helped boost the local economy.
  • Ultimately, whether or not you enjoy the Skopje statues is a matter of personal opinion (some may find them fascinating, while others may find them pointless).

So, if you’re ever in Skopje, be sure to take a stroll around the city and see the statues for yourself.

And who knows, maybe you’ll discover a newfound appreciation for this quirky and controversial project.

This guide was first published on August 11, 2023 and was last updated on March 15, 2024. For more information, please contact us at contact@skopjeguide.com.