How to Find a Job in Skopje as a Foreigner

Skopje is the capital and largest city of North Macedonia, and it offers a number of job opportunities for those seeking employment in the city.

However, as a foreigner, it can be somewhat challenging to find a job in Skopje.

In this article, we will provide tips and resources to help you increase your chances of finding a job in the city as a foreigner.

We will cover the job market in Skopje, how to target the right companies, ways to increase your chances of getting hired, and resources for finding job openings.

By following this advice, you can greatly increase the chances of finding the job you’re looking for and starting a new life in this vibrant city.

Find a Job in Skopje as a Foreigner

How’s the Job Market in Skopje?

Skopje is the largest city in Macedonia and is home to a number of international companies and a growing number of startups.

While the job market in Skopje may be smaller compared to some other European cities, there are still opportunities available for those seeking employment in the city.

One sector that is important to the local economy is the service industry, including tourism.

Skopje is a popular destination for tourists, and there are opportunities in the hospitality and tourism sectors.

The manufacturing, construction, and retail sectors also provide employment opportunities in Skopje.

Skopje is home to a number of universities and research institutions that can offer employment opportunities in education and research.

The city is also home to a number of embassies and international organizations, which may have job openings for those with the right skills and experience.

It is worth noting that the unemployment rate in North Macedonia, including in Skopje, is relatively high, and competition for jobs can be intense.

Thus, it may be helpful to have strong language skills and relevant education and experience when seeking employment in Skopje.

Overall, while the job market in Skopje may not be as large as in some other cities, there are still opportunities available for those looking for work in the city.

North Macedonia’s Labour Force Statistics

Statistic Value
Unemployment rate 21.9% (2020)
Labor force 1.2 million (2020)
Major industries Manufacturing, construction, tourism, retail
Major employers Government, education, healthcare, manufacturing
Minimum wage 13,500 MKD per month (approx. 224 EUR)

Where and How to Find a job in Skopje?

There are a number of ways to find a job in Skopje:

Online job portals:

Many companies in Skopje advertise job openings on online job portals such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Monster.

It is a good idea to set up a profile on these websites and regularly check for job openings that match your skills and experience.

Recruitment agencies:

There are a number of recruitment agencies in Skopje that can help you find a job.

These agencies often have connections with companies looking to hire and can help match you with the right job opportunity.


Networking can be a valuable way to find job openings in Skopje.

Attend job fairs, join professional associations, and consider reaching out to contacts in your industry to see if they know of any job openings.

Company websites:

Many companies in Skopje have a careers or job openings section on their website.

It is a good idea to check the websites of companies you are interested in working for to see if they have any job openings.

Newspapers and classifieds:

Some companies in Skopje still advertise job openings in local newspapers or online classifieds websites.

It may be worth checking these sources to see if there are any job openings that match your skills and experience.

skopje at night from mount vodno
Skopje at night from Mount Vodno.

Where Can You Find the Best Paying Jobs in Skopje?

There are a number of sectors in Skopje that tend to offer higher salaries, including:

Finance and banking: Jobs in the finance and banking sector, such as investment banking and financial consulting, tend to be among the highest paying in Skopje.

IT and software development: The IT and software development sector is a growing industry in Skopje, and jobs in this sector can be well-paying.

Consulting: Consulting jobs, such as management consulting, can be well-paying in Skopje.

Engineering: Engineers, particularly those with specialized skills, can find well-paying jobs in Skopje.

Marketing and sales: Jobs in marketing and sales, such as sales management and marketing management, can also be well-paying in Skopje.

The Best Paying Job Sectors in Skopje:

Job Sector Average Salary (EUR)
Finance and Banking 900-1200
IT and Software Development 700-1000
Consulting 700-1000
Engineering 600-900
Marketing and Sales 500-800

Please note that these are estimates and may vary depending on factors such as an individual’s education, experience, and specific job role.

It is also worth noting that the cost of living in Skopje is relatively low compared to some other European cities, so the purchasing power of these salaries may be higher in Skopje compared to other cities.

Is it Easy to Find a Job in Skopje as a Foreigner?

Questions About Traveling to Skopje

It can be somewhat challenging for foreigners to find a job in Skopje, as the unemployment rate in North Macedonia, including in Skopje, is relatively high, and competition for jobs can be intense.

However, it is not impossible for foreigners to find employment in Skopje.

There are a number of international companies and organizations based in Skopje, and these may be more likely to hire foreigners.

It is a good idea to target these companies and organizations when looking for a job in Skopje.

Having strong language skills and relevant education and experience can also increase your chances of finding employment in Skopje.

It may also be helpful to reach out to recruitment agencies and job portals that specialize in matching foreigners with job opportunities in Skopje.

These agencies and portals may have connections with companies looking to hire foreigners and can help match you with the right job opportunity.

While it may be somewhat challenging for foreigners to find a job in Skopje, it is not impossible, and there are a number of ways to increase your chances of finding employment in the city.

Parting Advice to Increase Your Chances of Getting Hired

Have strong language skills:

Many companies in Skopje require strong English language skills, as it is the language that connects the city to the outside world.

If you are not a native English speaker, it is a good idea to work on your language skills and highlight them in your resume and cover letter.

Have relevant education and experience:

It is always helpful to have relevant education and experience when applying for a job.

Consider highlighting any relevant coursework or internships on your resume and be prepared to discuss your experience in a job interview.

Tailor your resume and cover letter:

When applying for a job in Skopje, it is important to tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific job and company you are applying to.

Make sure to highlight your skills and experience that are most relevant to the job and show how you can contribute to the company.


Networking can be a valuable way to find job openings in Skopje.

Attend job fairs, join professional associations, and consider reaching out to contacts in your industry to see if they know of any job openings.

Be proactive:

It is a good idea to be proactive in your job search and to utilize a variety of methods to find job openings in Skopje.

This could include searching online job portals, reaching out to recruitment agencies, and checking the websites of companies you are interested in working for.

Is Skopje a Nice City to Work and Live in?

skopje's main square

Skopje is an up-and-coming vibrant and culturally diverse city that offers a range of opportunities for those looking to work and live there.

The city is home to a number of international companies and organizations, as well as a growing number of tech companies, which can provide job opportunities for those seeking employment.

The service sector, including tourism, is an important contributor to the local economy, and there are also opportunities in the manufacturing, construction, and retail sectors.

Skopje has a rich cultural scene, with a number of restaurants, museums, galleries, and cultural events taking place throughout the year.

The city is also home to a number of parks, gardens, and outdoor spaces, which can provide opportunities for leisure and recreation.

The city also has a moderate climate, with hot summers and cold winters.

Overall, Skopje can be a nice city to work and live in, depending on an individual’s preferences and priorities.

It is worth considering the cost of living, the job market, the cultural scene, and other factors when deciding whether Skopje is the right place to work and live.

This guide was first published on December 20, 2022 and was last updated on March 9, 2024. For more information, please contact us at