How Much Money Do You Need Per Day If You’re Visiting Skopje?

If you’re planning on visiting the city of Skopje, one of the most important things to know is how much money you’ll need per day.

Depending on what you want to do and see in the city, your costs will vary.

In this article, we will give you a breakdown of how much money you should budget for each day of your stay.

We will also provide some tips on how to save money while enjoying your time in Skopje!

TLDR: We recommend budgeting at least $70-100 per day if you’re visiting Skopje. This will give you plenty of money to enjoy the city without breaking the bank.

Money per day in skopje

Accommodation – $50 per day.

Sunset in Skopje from our Airbnb
Sunset in Skopje from our favorite Airbnb apartment.

One of the biggest factors that will affect how much money you need in Skopje is your accommodation.

If you’re planning on staying in a hotel, you can expect to pay anywhere from $50-100+ per night.

However, there are also many affordable hostels and Airbnbs available, which can cost as little as $25-75 per night.

Prices of accommodation in Skopje generally depend on the size and how close the place is to the city square.

Small, one-bedroom apartments are generally cheaper even when they are close to the square, while larger apartments would be a little more expensive.

On the other hand, larger apartments that are slightly further from the square can be found for cheaper.

One of our favorite Airbnbs (pictured above) is a three-bedroom, double-bathroom apartment located at a flat 15-minute walk to the Alexander The Great Fountain and costs around $35 per night.

But regardless of where you stay, be sure to budget for at least $50 per day for accommodation.

average daily rates for airbnbs in skopje
According to AirDNA, the average daily rate for Airbnbs in Skopje is around €30 (or $40).

Food – $30 per day

soul kitchen restaurant in Skopje
My favorite restaurant in Skopje is Soul Kitchen. Check them out here.

Another important factor to consider is food.

A meal at an inexpensive restaurant or a fast food joint will cost around $3-5, while a meal for two people, even at one of the fancier, mid-range restaurants on the city’s promenade, can cost as low as under $20.

Fun fact/side note: You will not find a McDonald’s anywhere in Skopje or Macedonia.

However, while Skopje has many delicious and reasonably priced restaurants and cafes, eating every meal out can quickly add up.

This is why, if you want to save some money, we recommend cooking at least one meal per day.

This can easily be done in most Airbnbs, and you can find all the necessary ingredients at one of the city’s many markets.

The cost of groceries in Skopje is relatively low, especially if you shop at some of the city’s less expensive supermarkets, such as KAM, Reptil, and Tinex, over some of the more expensive ones, such as Vero and Ramstore.

In these supermarkets, you can expect to find a liter of long-life milk and cooking oil at around $1.20, a loaf of fresh white bread at about $0.60, a dozen eggs for approximately $2, and about two pounds of frozen meat for a little less than $5.

Skopje also has a fantastic green market called Farmers’ Market „Bunjakovec,“ which is a haven for those who appreciate fresh, locally sourced produce.

Located in the heart of the city, this market teems with stalls selling various fruits, vegetables, herbs, and other organic products directly from the farms.

Here, you can meet the farmers and learn about their cultivation methods, giving you a unique insight into the local agricultural practices.

This green market is not just a place to buy food—it’s a place to connect with the community and understand the farm-to-table journey of your meals.

Additionally, as with most green markets, the prices of goods here are reasonable and competitive, reflecting the seasonal availability and quality of the produce.

You may find that prices vary from stall to stall, and bargaining is often part of the shopping experience.

However, most of the sellers are older people who don’t have a great command of the English language, so having a local with you can help enhance this experience and perhaps even prevent someone from taking advantage of you by selling you goods for high prices.

In any case, budgeting $20-30 per day for food should be more than enough.

Sightseeing & Getting Around – $15 per day.

why skopje is best seen in summer

Of course, no trip to Skopje would be complete without seeing some of its most famous sights.

If you plan on visiting attractions like the Memorial House of Mother Teresa, Canyon Matka, and Mount Vodno, we recommend budgeting between $35 and $ 50 per day.

The entry at the Memorial House of Mother Teresa is free, and the tiny house is located in the center of Skopje, at an approximately 5-minute walk from the square.

This sacred monument stands as a symbol of love and dedication to human service, reflecting the life and values of its namesake.

The architecture is striking, with its modern design offering a serene environment for visitors.

Inside, you can view a range of exhibits, including personal relics, letters, and photographs that tell the story of Mother Teresa’s remarkable life.

The house also features a small chapel where visitors can take a moment for quiet reflection.

On the other hand, when visiting Matka Canyon, you can do so by either taking a bus and paying the approximately $0.50 ticket or getting a taxi, which starts at around $10 and takes about 45 minutes to reach your destination, depending on traffic conditions.

Once there, you can rent a kayak or pay the approximately $8 fee for a boat ride across the man-made Matka Lake, taking in the stunning views of the canyon walls and exploring the Vrelo Cave, which is considered the second deepest in Europe.

Finally, visiting Mount Vodno from the city center is much easier, as the bus ride is only around 20 minutes and the buses are more frequent.

Alternatively, a short taxi ride usually costs around $5 and takes you to Middle Vodno, where you can enjoy a leisurely picnic in the lush green fields, explore the nature trails, or take the cable car, which costs around $2.50 for a round trip that takes you up to the Millennium Cross for breathtaking panoramic views of Skopje city.

The Recommened Budget For Visiting Skopje

Overall, we recommend budgeting at least $70-100 per day if you’re visiting Skopje and are interested in spending your time on various activities.

Of course, if you’re looking to save even more money, there are plenty of ways to do so.

For example, consider staying in budget-friendly accommodations, such as affordable Airbnbs or budget hotels, take public transportation instead of taxis, take advantage of free activities or attractions Skopje has to offer, cook and prepare your meals at your accommodation whenever possible, and shop at some of the city’s affordable markets for reasonable prices on groceries and fresh produce.

Is Skopje Budget-Friendly?

Yes, overall, Skopje is a budget-friendly city.

With some planning, it’s easy to enjoy everything Skopje offers without spending too much money.

What Are Some Free Things You Can Do in Skopje?

There are actually quite a few free things that you can do in Skopje!

For example, you can visit the City Park, take a walk through the Old Bazaar, or explore the many churches throughout the center.

You can also find plenty of free events and concerts happening throughout the city, particularly during public celebrations and events.

Final Words + Parting Advice

We hope this article has helped you better understand how much money you’ll need per day if you’re visiting Skopje.

Remember, your exact costs will depend on your individual travel style and preferences.

But as long as you budget appropriately, we’re confident that you’ll have a great time in Skopje!

Skopje is a beautiful city with plenty to offer, so don’t hesitate to add it to your travel list.

If all of this has motivated you to start planning your trip to Skopje, check out some of our previous Skopje guides below to learn more about this beautiful city.

This guide was first published on July 8, 2022 and was last updated on February 28, 2024. For more information, please contact us at