Can You Really Smoke Inside in Skopje?

Are you planning a trip to Skopje and wondering if smoking is allowed inside?

The answer is yes; smoking inside is allowed in many places in Skopje.

However, this doesn’t mean that every establishment permits smoking.

It’s important to keep in mind that smoking is prohibited in certain public spaces, such as hospitals and government buildings.

One place where smoking is prevalent is in restaurants and bars.

Many establishments allow smoking inside, and it’s not uncommon to see people smoking while dining or drinking.

Smoke Inside in Skopje

The Smoking Laws in Skopje

If you’re planning a trip to Skopje, you might be wondering about the smoking laws in the city.

Here’s what you need to know:

What the Law Says

Since 2010, smoking is technically banned in all indoor public spaces in Skopje, including restaurants, bars, and cafes.

However, enforcement of this law can be lax, and it’s not uncommon to see people smoking indoors.

Where Smoking is Allowed

While smoking is technically banned in indoor public spaces, there are some exceptions.

For example, smoking is often allowed in outdoor seating areas of restaurants and cafes.

Additionally, some bars and clubs may allow smoking indoors, especially later in the evening.

Penalties for Violating the Law

If you’re caught smoking in an indoor public space in Skopje, you could face a fine of up to 2,000 Macedonian denars (approximately $38 USD).

However, as mentioned earlier, enforcement of this law can be lax, and it’s not uncommon to see people smoking indoors without consequences.

It’s worth noting that Macedonia has one of the highest rates of cigarette consumption in the world, so smoking is a fairly common sight in Skopje.

However, if you’re a non-smoker or sensitive to cigarette smoke, it’s worth seeking out smoke-free establishments or outdoor seating areas when possible.

Smoking Inside

While smoking is generally prohibited in indoor public spaces, such as bars, restaurants, and hotels, some establishments may allow it under certain conditions.

Here is what you need to know about smoking inside in Skopje.

Bars and Restaurants

According to the law, smoking is not allowed in indoor public spaces, including bars and restaurants.

However, some establishments may have designated smoking areas, such as outdoor terraces or separate smoking rooms.

If you are unsure whether smoking is allowed, ask the staff or look for no smoking signs.

Hotels and Accommodations

Smoking is generally prohibited in hotel rooms and other accommodations, including Airbnb rentals.

If you are caught smoking in a non-smoking room, you may be charged a cleaning fee or even asked to leave.

Some hotels may have designated smoking areas, such as outdoor terraces or balconies.

If you are a smoker, make sure to book a smoking room or ask for a room with a balcony.

Private Residences

If you are staying at a private residence, such as a friend’s or family member’s house, it is best to ask whether smoking is allowed.

Some people may be sensitive to smoke or have children or pets that could be affected by it.

If you are allowed to smoke, make sure to ask for an ashtray and dispose of your cigarette butts properly.

Remember that smoking is harmful to your health and the health of those around you.

Even if smoking is allowed in some establishments, it is best to avoid it or smoke outside to minimize the risk of secondhand smoke.

Alternatives to Smoking Inside

If you are looking for alternatives to smoking inside in Skopje, there are several options available to you.

Here are some of the most common alternatives:

Smoking Areas Outside

One of the most obvious alternatives to smoking inside is to smoke outside.

Many restaurants, bars, and cafes in Skopje have designated smoking areas outside where you can smoke without disturbing other patrons.

These areas are usually well-ventilated and have ashtrays available for your convenience.

However, it is important to be considerate of other people who may be nearby and to dispose of your cigarette butt properly.

Vaping and E-cigarettes

Vaping and e-cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes.

These devices use a battery-powered heating element to vaporize a liquid solution (often called e-juice or vape juice) that contains nicotine and other flavorings.

Vaping is generally considered to be less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes, as it does not produce smoke or tar.

However, it is important to note that vaping is not completely risk-free and may still have negative health effects.

If you choose to vape, there are several vape shops in Skopje where you can purchase e-cigarettes and supplies.

Some restaurants and cafes may also allow you to vape inside, but it is always best to check with the establishment first.

Other Alternatives

If you are looking for other alternatives to smoking inside, there are several options available to you.

You could try chewing nicotine gum or using nicotine patches, which are both designed to help you quit smoking.

Another option is to try herbal cigarettes, which are made from a blend of herbs and do not contain tobacco or nicotine.

However, it is important to note that these alternatives may not be as effective as quitting smoking altogether.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is indoor smoking allowed in Skopje?

Yes, indoor smoking is allowed in Skopje.

However, smoking is not allowed in all indoor spaces.

There are some restrictions that you need to be aware of.

Are there any smoking restrictions in Skopje?

Yes, there are some smoking restrictions in Skopje.

Smoking is not allowed in all indoor spaces, such as government buildings, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions.

Smoking is also prohibited in public transportation and taxis.

What are the rules for smoking indoors in Skopje?

If you are going to smoke indoors in Skopje, you need to make sure that you are in a designated smoking area.

Smoking is not allowed in all indoor spaces, and there are specific areas where smoking is allowed.

You need to look for signs that indicate where smoking is allowed.

Can you smoke in bars and restaurants in Skopje?

Yes, you can smoke in bars and restaurants in Skopje.

However, some establishments may have designated smoking areas.

If you are not sure whether smoking is allowed in a particular establishment, you can ask the staff.

Is smoking permitted in public places in Skopje?

No, smoking is not permitted in all public places in Skopje.

Smoking is also prohibited in public transportation and taxis, as well as in government buildings, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions.

What are the consequences of smoking indoors in Skopje?

If you smoke indoors in Skopje, where smoking is not allowed, you may face fines.

The amount of the fine may vary depending on the severity of the violation.

Additionally, smoking indoors where it is not allowed can also harm the health of those around you.

It is always best to smoke in designated areas to avoid any potential consequences.

Remember to always be mindful of where you smoke in Skopje and follow the rules and regulations to avoid any issues.

This guide was first published on July 4, 2023 and was last updated on February 27, 2024. For more information, please contact us at